/* DOMtab Version 3.1415927 Updated March the First 2006 written by Christian Heilmann check blog for updates: http://www.wait-till-i.com free to use, not free to resell */ domtab={ tabClass:'domtab', // class to trigger tabbing listClass:'domtabs', // class of the menus activeClass:'active', // class of current link contentElements:'div', // elements to loop through backToLinks:/#top/, // pattern to check "back to top" links printID:'domtabprintview', // id of the print all link showAllLinkText:' ', // text for the print all link prevNextIndicator:'doprevnext', // class to trigger prev and next links prevNextClass:'prevnext', // class of the prev and next list prevLabel:'previous', // HTML content of the prev link nextLabel:'next', // HTML content of the next link prevClass:'prev', // class for the prev link nextClass:'next', // class for the next link init:function(){ var temp; if(!document.getElementById || !document.createTextNode){return;} var tempelm=document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for(var i=0;i